Today I described myself as a Busy Bee then 5 minutes later called myself a Social Butterfly. I have no idea what is up with the insect references, I guess it was just one of those days.
What does "One Of Those Days" look like:
Today it looked like an escape from the encapsulating fortress that is my home. I packed my bags and drove to a small town 20 minutes from home to have some tea and detox. An hour and a half later I had finished another chapter in the book I just started reading called "Soul Detox." I had downed 3 tea cups of Afternoon Darjeeling with cream and honey and spent some time trying to day-dream. "Trying to day-dream?" -you ask. Yes. I was mentally trying to wrap my thoughts around day-dreaming. I stared at a white picket fence with a small spread of grass behind it and I tried to day-dream. "When was the last time I used my imagination?" I asked myself. Sad to have to think of when I used my imagination last. I know I use my mind to problem solve and create art but I miss coming up with scenarios and stories in my head. I didn't get very far in my day-dreaming because the hostess came by to check on me since I was the only one in the garden view room.
Have you ever tried to create a little romance for yourself? Today was a day when I knew my heart needed to be romanced by surrounding beauty. Feeling a bit lovesick (not because of anyone) just longing a bit for someone. I made a decision to romance myself today. To do special things, to look at the world through a kaleidoscope of colors and simplicity. I enjoyed my reading and drinking my tea and treated myself to a little key lime pie. I did manage to imagine myself from the outside looking in for a bit. That's something I oddly like to do. At any random time I can take the scene and flip it in my mind to see what it may look like from another person's point of view. Strange isn't it? So as I sat looking out the window holding my lipstick stained tea cup in both hands I imagined myself from the outside point of view and I may have thrown the scene setting itself back around the 1890's. And as I write this I continue on thinking about that moment and how I could see other proper women passing by gossiping about how I'm too driven for my own good and how my dreams to travel are farfetched and unreasonable. I imagine those things because that's the kind of person I would want to be back then. So, in today's world it's not bad to be too driven or have dreams of traveling the world but I find other ways to go against the grain of society and it's naivety. I have dreams to touch lives through documentary filmmaking. I have dreams to be involved with organizations that are changing lives of those who are living under persecution of social injustices such as sex-trafficking and genocide. These days I'm not called foolish, far-fetched or too driven. These days I am advised to be careful. When they see the excitement on my face when they discuss the danger of the field I am looking to go into they are taken aback. I love getting that reaction. It is those people who I hope one day will see any of the work I do in the future. Life is about taking risks! I think people have gotten so comfortable with first world living. We are so comfortable where we are what does it matter if anythings happening elsewhere if it's not affecting me here? BLECH! That's what I say to that! I have been called to be a risk taker, knowing that my faith is strong and I am trusting in the Lord's provision. I'm not saying to get wreck-less! But taking risks has to do with faith and because my faith rests on God...I'm good.
So that went in a completely different way than I thought it was! haha.
I ended the day by talking with my grandmother on the phone, eating chili, updating my resume and checking for casting calls in Austin. A Nicolas Sparks feature is being filmed the week I'm in Florida..........DRATS! ;)
Well, that's all for tonight my loves! Enjoy some pictures from my day :]
What does "One Of Those Days" look like:
Today it looked like an escape from the encapsulating fortress that is my home. I packed my bags and drove to a small town 20 minutes from home to have some tea and detox. An hour and a half later I had finished another chapter in the book I just started reading called "Soul Detox." I had downed 3 tea cups of Afternoon Darjeeling with cream and honey and spent some time trying to day-dream. "Trying to day-dream?" -you ask. Yes. I was mentally trying to wrap my thoughts around day-dreaming. I stared at a white picket fence with a small spread of grass behind it and I tried to day-dream. "When was the last time I used my imagination?" I asked myself. Sad to have to think of when I used my imagination last. I know I use my mind to problem solve and create art but I miss coming up with scenarios and stories in my head. I didn't get very far in my day-dreaming because the hostess came by to check on me since I was the only one in the garden view room.
So that went in a completely different way than I thought it was! haha.
I ended the day by talking with my grandmother on the phone, eating chili, updating my resume and checking for casting calls in Austin. A Nicolas Sparks feature is being filmed the week I'm in Florida..........DRATS! ;)
Well, that's all for tonight my loves! Enjoy some pictures from my day :]