Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Woah... That Anxiety Though...

I kinda chuckle reading the title I just wrote for this post. I can't take too long to write but I need an outlet for some encouraging quotes of the day.
"Be quiet dear heart, breathe deep and long, soul, and find comfort in your God, who has gone before you in all things..."
"Tranquil stillness is the space in which our minds and bodies can finally reconnect with our spirits and give living water to our withered dreams."
-Whole Magazine (written by Sarah Dannemiller)
I may have had an anxiety attack at church last night...and by may...I mean I did. I laugh at it now I guess because I'd rather laugh than be serious about such a matter. Perhaps its how I am dealing with my stresses and anxieties lately. So the short story is that I was sitting there listening to a teaching on anxiety and stress, of course processing through my current stressors but my stresses as of recently have not manifested themselves in my typical way of experiencing stress. Rather, I have been quite calm. I realized that before I left Texas the way that I manage my stress has changed, and not because I made the conscious decision to change it, it just sort of happened. I don't feel stressed in the sense of being overwhelmed because generally I am excited about where I am and what I'm doing and what's coming. But, that doesn't mean that there aren't things that are weighing on me. I'm having to dig a little deeper to discover these things so that I can properly process them. I got an image the other day while in worship at my discipleship group called "Love Feast." Funny to me because I don't often get images like this and didn't understand it until I started writing it down. I then shared it with our group and Sara (our discipleship leader) asked for me to pray into it for us...which I have never done before. Anyway, this image was of a heart in the cavity of a chest covered in cobwebs. I can see it clearly in my mind even now. So first I was like...huh...weiiiird. I then decided I should write about it so I jotted down what I saw and meaning was revealed as I wrote.

This is what I wrote:

Cobweb heart- cobwebs...they're uncomfortable, basically invisible, and hard to get rid of but the Lord wants to help me wipe away the cobwebs that I may not be able o see or know are there to gain deeper access to my heart. Lord may I be sensitive to your spirit calling out the cobwebs over my heart and anxieties and fears and hardships and lies.

So I shared this and prayed into this for our group. Honest Gabe time... haha thank you Dan Jeter. All this anxiety and fear and all the lies began to surface during my trip to Tennessee this summer. I had a moment where I shared with my very dearest sister Brit that I felt people saw me as "this way" or "that way" or whatever it may be. She said, "Hon I think you are the one thinking those things about yourself, I don't think anyone thinks those things about you," and my friend Alex confirmed. I spent a very long 13 hour drive processing a lot and when I got home had a conversation with my girl Caron from Florida who put it bluntly because she had been struggling with the same thing. "Gabe, you aren't concerned about what others are thinking about you, these are things you are thinking about yourself and you are projecting those thoughts on other people." I think I may have shared this in a previous post in recent months...but there I was in a puddle of my own tears in my car...because she was right. I had been at war with myself struggling through my own self-defeat. Knowing that then I did spend some time with the Lord about it but I also had a lot of other things taking my attention so it kinda took the back burner.

Here I am now a couple months later and all around me the lessons and words are about anxiety. Leila (my friend and coworker) actually named the fat man that sits on my chest Roberto haha comedic relief. But, honestly, it really feels like I have a very heavy barbell laying on my chest that I don't have the arm strength to lift. When I got to Virginia I jumped right in, sink or swim. I haven't taken as much me time as I need and I'm realizing that I really need to take time to process because I haven't. I still have moments of realizing I live here and I have a big girl job and other major changes. It was a quick decision and quick following action to make the move and start a job two days after I got the offer. I haven't spent quiet time with God to process through everything I just jumped right in. So the good thing in all of this is that through it all I am realizing some important things. Thank God for realizations!

I completely uprooted myself when I left VB back in August of 2013. This is an opportunity to set new roots and lay a new foundation for my time back here for however long it may be. I'm not planning on going anywhere so it's important for me to be putting my roots in healthy soil. I have the knowledge to do so, so, come on Gabe get with it! haha

I need to work on my self-perception cuz it's not good. I think some old stuff has resurfaced as of recently that I have been freed from for years but they are coming back to taunt me as lies and I have been believing them. So there's that. I actually had a really good convo with an elder mentor from my church sunday morning at breakfast and we talked a bit about that. I'm so thankful for her. This is an area I will need to spend some time meditating on and praying about.

These are two major areas I need to work on and then there are all those others but it'd be a lot to talk about here.

Just some thoughts on where I am in life right now. It feels good to write again & now that I've hit the end of my lunch break I'm gonna get back to work. I start traveling October 1st! Say a little prayer for me as I hit the road! I'm super stoked.

Just some real moments, learning and growing with Gabe. Till next time...


Saturday, September 6, 2014

A Woman Of Wisdom

Good morning loves,

I write to you this bright and shining morn from the outer banks of North Carolina. As I arose this morning I stepped into the sun and greeted the sea before me...then poured myself a cup of coffee. It has been far too long since I last wrote and I believe that there are quite a few blog drafts I should finish soon. I have some catching up to do when I find the time or perhaps make time. I honestly miss writing my thoughts down as often as I had been over the past year. I think that it's only fitting that I continue to work on being disciplined in my writing and reading especially in this very exciting new season.

This morning as I waited on Julie to roll out of bed I spent some time reading. I have found it to be very therapeutic especially with my heighten anxiety levels as of late. This morning I read from one of my favorite online magazines an article that I will share here because it spoke to me in several areas of my life. As I completed the article I took a deep breath and sighed. I could go into detail about how each part spoke to me but this would become far too long and I need some more time to process through my reading. So here I leave you all with this article and hope that it speaks to you (of course I'm speaking to my sisters). If you care to share your thoughts leave me a comment I'd love to hear what you think.

&&& I promise to post more in the upcoming weeks about my latest and long overdue rebelling a of my adventures

The woman of wisdom is a kind-hearted, God-fearing and gracious woman. She seeks wisdom and discernment through her relationship with the Lord and knows that He will reward her for following His call on her life.

The woman of wisdom is humble. She invites with open arms and loves with a warm heart.

The woman of wisdom is spirit-led.

The woman of wisdom lets God water her spiritual roots, and she bears fruit as a result.

The woman of wisdom builds rather than destroys. She gives life, shows love, and has a heart full of grace towards others.

The woman of wisdom reflects Christ and gives others a taste of true community that God desires for us all to take delight in.

The woman of wisdom exerts joy in the life that she has been given to live. She understands the cost that God paid on her behalf and strives to have a faith that she would be willing to pay the cost for herself.

The woman of wisdom swims through the painful waves of life that wash over her because she knows that God will lead her to shore. She swims with a firm faith because God is her steadfast anchor.

The woman of wisdom lives in daily readiness to meet Jesus. She unwraps the gift of life God has given her and is a gift to others because of how she uses this gift.

The woman of wisdom realizes that she is called to higher grounds in the broken world that she lives in.

The woman of wisdom centers her life on kingdom values rather than the values of this world.

The woman of wisdom wakes up each morning and chooses to experience true, abundant life with God each day.

The woman of wisdom is always learning with an open heart and listening with open ears.

The woman of wisdom represents qualities that reflect the character of God.

The woman of wisdom allows God to love her, to fill her, and to bathe her in His righteousness.

The woman of wisdom realizes that story that she has been called to participate in. She accepts Christ's invitation with both hands and lives and loves fully.

The woman of wisdom acknowledges the presence of God in her life. He fills her. He is her reason to live.

The woman of wisdom desires God's desires for her life. She lives with a heart of contentment because she puts her trust in His will and provision rather than her own.

The woman of wisdom surrenders the entirety of who she is to her Father and His unfailing love. 

The woman of wisdom allows God to breathe life into and reveal life through her.

The woman of wisdom seeks to revive the dead and pour into them the life that will lead them to the Promised Land.

The woman of wisdom lives a life that is pleasing in God's eyes. She lives out of obedience to her King and takes part in the royal priesthood of God's kingdom.

The woman of wisdom is a woman of the Lord who knows she isn't perfect, but doesn't strive to be perfect, either. The woman of wisdom knows that if she fails to pursue wisdom or fails to let God determine proper priorities, she will be destructive rather than life giving. Because of this, her focus is on living the life that God has called her to live so that she may be pleasing in His eyes and play her role in the Kingdom properly. 

The woman of wisdom answers to God and God alone. 
And she lives for God, and God alone.