Forgive me readers I am soooooo behind on posting. The last month has been pretty eventful, which is great! I'm so thankful to have been busy! So I owe y'all some pictures from my spring break! I will put them in this post and then continue on today with another post about some new things!
So I totally forgot that there was this thing called Spring Break! My dad and sister have a week in March to take off and I never really took Spring Break when I was in college because I was a crazy person double majoring and always in a show or on a film set; so when I heard 'Spring Break' I was like... "what is this spring break that you speak of?"
We booked a trip to Florida two weeks before we left so it was super last minute. Omgsh how incredibly refreshing it was to be back in one of the places I once called home. I started writing this several weeks ago but never finished... so I will just leave you with what I previously wrote:
Spring Break. Something I forgot existed! I think I may have taken one spring break out of the 4 years I was in school. I usually was on set for a film, in a show or had RA duties during breaks. So when the opportunity arose to take spring break with my family this year I was ecstatic! Long story short we found cheap tickets to fly to FL for 5 days. When we got there we stayed at a familiar resort and got to spend a little time in St. Augustine where we used to live. Waking up with the ocean right outside your window is one of the most peaceful things on this earth. If I could wake up every day near the beach or in the mountains that would be the dream! Honestly I think I would prefer the mountains but the beach stole my heart for the time I was there. I ended up with a pretty gnarly sunburn which I am still recovering from but what else is new? haha. Spending time with family away from work and my sisters stress of schoolwork was really nice too. Dad mentioned it was refreshing to be driving down A1A and that it seemed like we were coming back home after a really long trip. I agreed and stated that we should just move back. ;) One of my favorite days was the day I got to spend with several of my wonderful girl-friends. It was so refreshing to be in their company sharing matters of the heart and growing closer to each of them. It takes a lot to be vulnerable with other people especially when it comes to sharing secrets of the heart and things that are on your mind. One particular conversation that encouraged me was one that I had in the car with my dear friend Caron.
It's incredible the things that we are so careful about sharing for fear of being judged for your way of thinking or for fear of being presently judged by your past mistakes. Anyway there was a lot of different things we talked about but there was just something that touched my heart about that moment in the car when we both talked about some of our past mistakes and neither of us knew we both had dealt with some of the same baggage. I was kinda blown away because we both have come so far from those mistakes and we both have learned some of the most valuable lessons of our age. Wow Wow Wow. How incredible and merciful God is and how He can restore ones spirit. I am so thankful for that conversation although it wasn't long, it was a moment to be human and express what humanity looked like in our lives therefore giving God all credit where credit is due for being almighty and redeeming. A moment to be reminded about how human we are and how Great God is. Blows my mind.
Ok so thats what I had written several weeks ago. I also went to Oklahoma for several days which was a blast! Got to go to a wedding for a childhood friend. Caught the bouquet! Whoop! Spent time with people my age and enjoyed the company of a most beautiful and strong woman named Allison! But here are the pictures to accompany this post about Spring Break.

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